Dr. Gooden’s Recent Courses
Leadership for Social Justice (Doctoral)
Fall 2017, Spring 2020
Pro-Seminar in Education Leadership
Summer 2018
Introduction to School Leadership & Decision-making
Summer 2018, 2019
Race, Leadership, & the School to Prison Pipeline (Doctoral Core)
Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020

“He is a true expert in this content.”
— Teacher’s College Columbia University ORL Student (Iss Ldershp Social Justice)
“Dr.Gooden was masterful at connecting us to engaging academic content that illustrated the current research…”
“Dr.Gooden was masterful at connecting us to engaging academic content that illustrated the current research along with deep personal experience and knowledge.” Teacher’s College Columbia University ORL Student”
— (Intro Schl Ldrshp & Decsn Mkg)
“Dr. Gooden refrained from filling in all of the details for us. The result was a challenging environment in which students pushed each other to make connections and excel.”
During Covid-19
“The professor is very knowledgeable and shared many great resources above and beyond what was assigned.”
— Teacher’s College Columbia University ORL Student (Leadership for Social Justice)
“Professor Gooden reads his students' written product carefully and provides detailed, insightful comments in a timely fashion. Relative to other professors, the respect he shows his students on that measure truly stands out.”
— Teacher’s College Columbia University ORL Student (Leadership for Social Justice)
“Dr. Gooden encourages his students to strengthen their knowledge of their racial identity and leadership roles. He provides relevant reading materials to stimulate students and facilitate good conversations. Dr. Gooden makes sure every student is giving carefully curated-and helpful-contributions to class discussions. He cares about his students’ needs and is a ‘facilitator,’ rather than a lecturer.’”
Do you want Dr. Gooden to speak at your school or organization?